PH. D. Professor 博士,教授 |
交通运输工程学院/ School of Transportation Engineering |
同济大学/ Tongji University |
Tel: 021-69585413 |
Fax: 021-69585723 |
Email: zhongyin@tongji.edu.cn |
上海市嘉定区曹安公路4800号,邮编:201804 |
4800 Cao’an Road, Jiading District, Shanghai 201804 |
教育经历/Education: |
1978.09-1982.08 |
本科,同济大学道路与交通工程系 |
B.S., Department of Road and Bridge Engineering, Tongji University |
1982.09-1985.04 |
硕士,同济大学道路与交通工程系 |
M.S., Department of Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University |
1987.09-1990.05 |
博士,同济大学道路与交通工程系/诺丁汉大学土木系 |
Ph.D., Department of Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University/Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nottingham University |
工作经历/Academic Experience: |
2006.01~至今 |
同济大学交通运输工程学院教授博士生导师 |
Professor: The School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University |
2003.06-2005.12 |
同济大学交通运输工程学院院长教授博士生导师 |
Dean & Professor of the School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University |
2000.01-2003.06 |
同济大学交道路与交通工程系,教授博士生导师系主任 |
Head & Professor, Department of Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University |
1985.05-1999.12 |
同济大学交道路与交通工程系 |
Department of Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University |
学术兼职/Academic Social works: |
The International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design |
副主编/Associate Editor |
The International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology |
主编/Chief Editor |
The International Journal of Advance in Transportation Studies |
副主编/Associate Editor |
Journal of Transportation Safety and Security |
安全方向主编/Safety Area Editor |
主要研究方向/Main research fields: |
铺面工程与材料Pavement Engineering and Road Materials |
道路安全工程 Road Safety Engineering |