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首先,论文从材料的特性和变形出发,通过单轴拉伸、单轴压缩、剪切、紫外线加速耐老化等试验,对初步选定的ρ=160 kg/m³的EPDM(三元乙丙)闭孔泡沫橡胶材料物理、力学性能进行了研究,获得了材料的抗拉强度、泊松比、抗剪强度等材料性能指标,并得出泡沫橡胶用于避险车道的强阻尼减速机理。根据试验结果,得到两点结论:一、采用EPDM泡沫橡胶作为制动床材料,能够在长期强紫外线辐射下保持物理性能的稳定,满足路面材料对环境条件的要求;二、车辆荷载作用下,泡沫橡胶路面的压缩变形大小与减速效果直接相关,变形越大,对失控车辆阻尼减速作用越佳。







Foam rubber  with strong damping is brought forward to apply on highway truck escape ramp  based on the present application situation analysis of the traditional truck  escape ramp, and some further researches are done as following.

Firstly,  uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression, simple shear and aging resistance  test are done to study the physical and mechanical properties of EPDM foam  rubber with closed cell (ρ=160 kg/m³) which is preliminary selected, and  tensile strength, Poisson´ ratio and shear strength is obtained. Through uniaxial  compression test, the strong damping reduction mechanism of the foam rubber  is also obtained. According to test results, two conclusions are got. First,  EPDM foam rubber can maintain physical properties stability under long-term  strong ultraviolet radiation when used as brake bed material. Second, there  is directly relationship between deceleration effect and the compression  deformation of foam rubber. The greater the deformation is, the better  deceleration effect will be got.

Secondly,  static load test with real vehicle is taken on different thickness foam  rubber pavement, and quantitative research is carried on. Then, tire-foam  rubber surface contact tests are done to study the impact of load, load rate  and the foam rubber thickness on deformation of foam rubber pavement.

For the  further study of foam rubber pavement mechanics response under tire load,  finite element software-ABAQUS is used to simulate deformation of tire and  road, contact stress distribution of tire-road contact area under static  compression, rolling resistance and deceleration under tire free rolling  condition, in which many results are got.

Finally,  preliminary design for new kind of truck escape ramp is done according to the  experiment and the simulation results. Compared with the traditional truck  escape ramp, new truck escape ramp can safely and effectively decelerate the  vehicle out of control, which provides reference for design and improvement  of truck escape ramp.


Keywords: Trucks escape ramp, Foam Rubber, Tire, Strong Damping, Rolling  Resistance, Finite Element Method


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联