摘要 道路交通事故是一种世界性的公害。目前,我国已经成为世界上道路交通事故严重的国家之一。交通事故是人-车-路系统失稳而造成的结果。传统的道路安全评价是基于车和路道路交通客观条件的安全性评价,较少从人这个主观因素。因此本文建立了道路主观安全性评价方法,即以驾驶员负荷为出发点来定量分析并评价道路安全性。以山区高速公路货车驾驶员为研究对象,通过大量的行车试验,采用心率、眼动以及NASA-TLX作为驾驶员负荷因素,选取指标 RRCV、MFT、85FT、TLX 来反应驾驶员负荷水平。分析路段熟悉程度、限制速度、平面因素、纵面因素等不同因素对驾驶员生理指标 RRCV、MFT、85FT的影响,并发现85FT比MFT指标敏感性更高,因此选择85FT作为眼动指标。采用主成分分析法把RRCV、85FT以及TLX三个指标综合为一个指标——驾驶员安全指数DSI,并以此来建立道路主观安全性评价模型。应用道路主观安全性评价模型与道路客观安全性评价模型联立建立道路主客观安全性评价模型,最后确定山区高速公路安全水平的评价标准。 关键词:山区高速公路、主观安全性、驾驶员负荷、生理负荷、脑力负荷。 ABSTRACT Road traffic accidents are a worldwide public nuisance. At present, China has become one of the countries in the world which are in very serious road traffic accidents. Traffic accidents are the result of loss of stability of the system about people, vehicles and road system. The traditional road safety assessment is based on the objective conditions of the path of vehicles; less subjective is considered about road safety. Therefore, based on driver's subjective road safety perception-drive’ safety, road subjective safety evaluation method is established and used to evaluate the road safety. Based on Mountain freeway drivers and through a lot of the driving test, heart rate, eye movements, and NASA-TLX mental work load are chose as a drivers’ load index. Then certain indicators- RRCV、MFT、85FT、TLX are selected scientifically to reflect the drivers load level. It is analyzed that different factors (the degree of driver familiar with the section,speed limit, horizontal factors, longitudinal factors) effect on the drivers’ physiology. The analysis helps to determine the coefficient of heart rate variability RRCV, 85FT as the driver's physiological load indicators by the sensibility of those indicators. Using principal component analysis method, RRCV, 85FT and mental workload TLX three indicators composite into an indicator-driver safety index (DSI), which is used to established the road subjective safety model. Objective safety model-passenger and cargo space curvature ratio and road subjective safety model simultaneously establish road safety model which applies and verify the correctness and feasibility of the subjective safety model. Finally, the judgment of the level of road safety standards is given. Key Words: mountain freeway, subjective safety, driver workload, physiological load ,mental load. |