摘要 我国正处在经济大发展时期,城市之间的交流逐渐增多,城市大型综合交通枢纽的建设也越来越多,这些枢纽的建立在促进城市之间联系的同时也带来了较为严重的交通安全问题。因此,建立统一协调的服务于运营安全的大型综合交通枢纽指路标志信息体系,综合利用各种先进的标志设施,提高枢纽路网的安全性和运行效率,是迫在眉睫需要开展的研究工作。 本文以大型综合交通枢纽路网为研究对象,从动态管理的角度出发,对枢纽路网信息系统的需求进行了分析,以现有的技术为前提,对指路标志信息体系的几个核心问题,即信息路网的确定、信息发布层次、指路标志的设计设置进行了深入的理论研究,提出了构建服务于安全运营管理的大型综合交通枢纽路网指路标志信息设置的方法。 第二章首先对大型综合交通枢纽就标志信息路网的构建进行了全面总结与分析。首先,根据大型综合交通枢纽的交通特点,确定了枢纽标志信息的服务对象,提出了信息发布的需求;其次,以交通信息需求为出发点,以枢纽所处路网的具体情况为依据,对标志信息路网的结构进行了划分,即两个区域(枢纽外围路网区域和枢纽中心路网区域)三个层次(枢纽高速公路网、枢纽快速集散路网、枢纽地面道路网);最后,针对不同层次路网的具体特点,建立了路网的拓扑结构模型,为具体层次的路网的指路标志进行详细的研究。 第三章对枢纽外围路网区域的指路标志进行研究。首先,根据标志信息的设计原则对枢纽标志信息发布的种类进行划分:静态信息标志和动态信息标志,对不同种类的标志进行了详细的阐述和比较,为选择合适的标志提供了参考依据;其次,针对两类标志各自的特点对两类标志的协调性进行研究,从而使两类标志相互配合最大效益的发挥指路标志的诱导效益;最后,对枢纽外围路网的标志信息进行分级,对枢纽外围路网的不同组成要素进行具体的指路标志信息的研究。 第四章对枢纽中心区域的指路标志进行研究,枢纽中心区域包括两部分:枢纽快速集散路网和枢纽地面道路网。枢纽中心区域指路标志是枢纽指路标志体系的核心,其设置合理与否对枢纽的运营安全起到至关重要的作用。首先,对枢纽快速集散路网标志信息进行分级,根据快速集散路网的不同要求分别设置静态指路标志信息及动态指路标志信息,确保枢纽快速集散路网标志的诱导效果,同时提出了快速集散系统静态标志的设置标准,采用费用效益综合模型确定了动态指路标志的设置位置,规范了快速集散路网指路标志的设计与设置;其次,对突发事件下枢纽快速集散路网的辅助路网—地面道路网的指路标志进行了研究,通过模糊综合决策法对突发事件的地面备选路径进行了确定,在设置地面道路网的指路标志时,应以这些辅助路径为枢纽目的地标志信息的重点设置对象,确保突发事件下枢纽的运营安全。 最后,结合上海虹桥综合枢纽工程,将大型综合交通枢纽指路标志的研究成果应用于工程实践。 关键词:指路标志体系,大型综合交通枢纽,信息路网层次划分,标志信息协调性研究,交通诱导,运营安全。 ABSTRACT China is in a period of high-speed development and more and more large integrated traffic hinges are established, which brings a lot of communications among different cities. However, the establishment of those traffic hinges not only improve the traffic efficiency but also result in serious safety problems. Hence, establishing hinge guide sign system and taking advantage of all kinds of establishment in order to improve safety and traffic efficiency, is the urgent research work in the current research fields. In the view of dynamic management, the paper focuses on the hinge related network and analyzes the demand of traffic information. Based on the current technology, deep research work is performed on the key issues of information system including network extend definement, information distribution layers and the detailed design approach of traffic hinge guide signs. A standard of design method of hinge network information system serving for safety management is proposed. Chapter II focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the traffic hinge information network construction. Firstly, based on the speciality of the traffic hinge, the serviced objects and guide sign information requirements are ensured; Secondly, according to the information requirement and the particular case of the hinge network, three layers of the information network are divided into and can be included into two parts which are the outer-ring area(layer one) and center area(layer two and three); Finally, aimed at different network layer specialities ,the topology models of which are founded for the hereinafter research. Chapter III focuses on the guide signs research of outer-ring areas. Firstly, according to the design principles, the distribution informations have been divided into two types: the static signs and dynamic signs, the analysis and comparison of the two sign types mentioned above supplies a good reference to taking advantage of different signs;Secondly, inorder to gain the maximum effectiveness of the co-exist signs, the coordination of different sign types has been comprehensively analysed; Finally, the guide sign informations are grouped by classification, different places of outer-ring areas should set different classification guide signs. Chapter IV focus on the guide sigh design method of center which includes two parts: the express-way network and general urban road network. The guid sign design of the center areas is the core of the whole hinge guid sign system, which plays an important part in the hinge operation. Firstly, group the sign information into different classification, install the static and dynamic signs according to the information requirement of express-way network to ensure the efficiency of hinge traffic induction, a installation standard of the satic guide signs is proposed and disposition of the dynamic sign is settled using the cost-benefit model, which restricts on the norms of the express-way sign installation; Secondly, fuzzy comprehensive judgement has been applied to determine the general urban roads within the center areas, which can be taken as the auxiliary route if accident happens on the express-way. All the measures can make sure of the traffic hinge safety in case that incident occurs. At project application, the guide sign design and installment research of the large integrate traffic hinge have been used in the HongQiao large integrate traffic hinge. Key Words: guide sign system, large integrated traffic hinge, information network layer division, coordination of guide signs, traffic guidance, operation safety. |