摘要 公路设计理念的人性化发展以及交通部“典型示范工程”建设要求实现公路建设与自然、人文环境的和谐统一,人们对出行的需求也从简单的空间移动变为更加注重交通美学欣赏和环境保护的安全舒适性,为此,本文提出了高速公路重点景观区的研究。本文第二章首先对高速公路重点景观区进行了定义和分类,从路网规划、景观节点布设与规模以及外部交通组织流线等对各类重点景观区进行了以第一类景观区为发展目标的旅游交通规划设计研究,提出了公路交通景观设计的层次设计法,将其应用到公路的互通立交区、隧道洞口路段、休息区以及路堑边坡等主要构筑物的景观设计中,将以因子分析法为核心的 SD 评价法应用到互通立交匝道景观评价设计,得到匝道景观设计的三个评价因子:个性因子、色彩因子以及和谐因子,后利用重点景观区旅游交通景观规划设计原则和评价建议对青岛至莱芜高速公路进行工程应用。第三章对高速公路第二类重点景观区进行了拥堵评价和管理的方法研究。首先利用上下游断面的累计流量曲线提出了估计排队的图解法和实时拥堵评价的净流量和延误流量曲线法,并基于仿真实验模拟停车场使用,用二次移动平均法实时预测拥堵状况;然后尝试建立观景交通诱导博弈模型,提出匝道控制和路段停车扩容等方法进行观景出入口管理拥堵;后对杭州湾跨海大桥海中平台进行了拥堵情况评价管理的工程分析。 第四章对高速公路第三类重点景观区的主线出入口路段行车风险及其管理进行了较为全面的论述。首先提出了描述空间和时间行车风险的系统方法和流程,仿真模拟了主线观景入口汇流路段的三种交通异常状态(主线货车增多、匝道增流以及合流区追尾事故),并进行了实时行车风险的预测分析;从变速车道设计、多车道路段分车道分级限速的限速分级数仿真等研究了出入口的静态安全设计;提出了考虑行车安全和效率的动态可变限速法,并用 VISSIM 的 VAP 编程实现观景出口路段的可变限速,比较分析了平均可变限速法和安全-效率可变限速法在不同超速率、交通量、货车比例以及分流率等因素下的安全改善效果。后对青莱高速沂源隧道洞口的观景台进行了工程应用。 关键词:高速公路重点景观区,SD 评价,拥堵评价和管理,实时行车风险,可变限速, VISSIM 仿真评价。 ABSTRACT The humanized highway design concept and Ministry of Transport’s “Pilot Projects” call for the transition of travel demand from simple movement to safety and comfort with more emphasis on aesthetical enjoyment and environmental harmony. On this ground, freeway key scenery area (FKA) was concerned in this study. Beginning with FKA definition and classification, Chapter Ⅱ studied the first class FKA-oriented tourism traffic plan method from network, scenery node and travel routes design, proposed hierarchical design method of highway landscape for infrastructure of interchange, tunnel entrance, rest areas and cutting slope aesthetical design; Then evaluated ramp landscape by factor analysis based SD method reaching three principle factors: uniqueness, color and harmony; Last, FKA plan were applied to Qingdao-Laiwu Freeway. Chapter Ⅲ focused on the second class FKA for congestion assessment and management. First proposed graphic solution and in-flow & delay-flow curve method based on cumulative flow at upstream and downstream cross-sections for queuing and real-time congestion estimation respectively, simulated parking lot while predicting congestion by Double Moving Average method; Then tried to set up Stackelberg game model for tourism traffic guidance, suggested ramp metering and roadside parking for congestion management; Last, Sea Platform of Hangzhou Bay Bridge was exampled. Chapter IV concerned the driving risk and safety improvement at the on- and off-ramp areas for the third class FKA. First proposed the systematic method to describe space and time driving risk, simulated three abnormal traffic condition at merge area (increase in mainline truck and ramp merge flow, and rear-end collision) for real-time driving risk prediction; Then studied static safety design of speed-change lane and sectionalized speed limit, for latter of which the lane- and number-varied speed decrease were studied via simulation; Then proposed a safety&mobility-considered Variable Speed Limit (VSL), which was carried out by VAP program in VISSIM for exit area, and compared Average VSL with Safety-Mobility VSL under different compliance rate, traffic volume, truck composition and departure rate. Finally, the scenery spot at Yiyuan Tunnel entrance was studied. Key Words: freeway key scenery area, SD evaluation, congestion assessment & management, real-time driving risk, variable speed limit, VISSIM simulation. |