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A  Study on GIS-based Decision Support System

for  Freeway Safety Management











综合考虑上述两部分内容,提出了基于GIS 平台的系统总体设计。确定了系统在高速公路监控中心的定位,对系统包含的各个子系统进行了定义和功能说明,拟定了数据库的组成内容,阐述了系统的业务流程。






Over the past decade and more,  along with the massive construction of traffic infrastructure, the  inconsistency between the demand of national economy development and the  insufficiency of transport capacity has been relieved to a certain extent.  However, the work on road safety had been neglected for a long time, caused a  bad situation in traffic safety. Even now, the problem on freeways is still  serious.

In road safety management, a lot of  facts should be considered, and the decision be made by managers are usually  depend on experience, lacking in sufficient supports of safety theories.  Especially in real-time traffic management, the data are numerous and  complicated, purely handwork inevitably would slow down the decision-making  pace. So, making use of the technologies such as computer tech, to establish  the decision support system to managers based on existing theories and  experience, would improve the efficiency and quality of decisions without  doubt. With space analysis function and a good performance in videotext  communication, Geographic Information System (GIS) could be a good platform  for road safety management decision support system.

Relying on the research and  development of “Hangzhou-Bay Bridge Traffic Safety Management System”, this  paper studies the work of freeway safety management on two aspects ----  real-time safety management and long-time ameliorating management, then  establishes correlative models of decision support system, and applies some  of it into practice.

At first, this paper researches the  pertinent theories and technologies both inland and overseas, and summarizes  the facts that affect traffic safety of freeways. On the analysis of the time  effect of these facts, this paper suggests the function hierarchies of  Freeway Safety Management Decision Support System (FSMDSS) and their main  content.

Then, on real-time management  aspect, this paper deeply analyzes its process and mode. Take the safety  management under disaster weather as cut-in point and example, this section  analyzes the process of real-time management, including information  collecting, data disposing, and information releasing. After comparing the  different safety countermeasures of interchanges, road sections and service  areas, this paper suggests a mode for freeway real-time safety management.  Combined with GIS theories, this paper establishes a road-net model that  corresponds to the safety management mode.

On long-time ameliorating  management aspect, this paper summarizes the mathematic models of  hazardous-location distinguishing and amelioration measure evaluating, then  explains the road-net model that appropriate for those models.

Synthetically the         researches on real-time management and long-time ameliorating management,  this paper suggests a synoptic design of FSMDSS based on GIS platform,  include ascertaining the position of FSMDSS in monitoring and control center,  defining the sub-systems and their functions, constituting the database, and  establishing the business process of the system.

At the end, this paper introduces  the software ---- Hangzhou-Bay Bridge Transportation Safety Management System  (HBTSMS), which has applied some contents of this paper into practice  successfully.

Key Words: freeway,  safety management, GIS, decision support system, disaster weather, safety  monitor and control, road safety database.


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联