摘要 事故资料调查显示,高速公路出入口区域事故率一般是基本路段的4~6倍,有相当数量的道路事故发生在立交匝道、加减速车道和出入口路段,这表明匝道及出入口安全问题非常突出。 本文将高速公路出入口区域作为特殊路段单独进行研究,应用微观交通仿真技术模拟出入口交通流状况,定性分析该区域车辆的行驶特征,并应用考虑事故发生的可能性与严重程度、适用于仿真实验数据分析的安全评价指标——制动减速度风险Ra、不安全密度指数UD(Unsafety Density),定量分析与评价不同道路交通条件对行车风险的影响与影响程度。另外,基于大量反复的仿真实验,通过对实验数据的处理分析,拟定了各种安全等级下高速公路出入口区域的主线行车控制标准的建议值,并针对行车危险性较大的行车状况提出交通控制的改善措施,且验证了改善措施的有效性。 本文以交通仿真技术为研究手段,有别于传统的事故后安全评价方法,从微观角度分析与评价出入口区域行车安全性,对如何提高高速公路出入口区域的交通安全与行车效率作了初步的研究与探讨。 关键词:高速公路出入口区域、交通仿真、安全评价、行车控制、改善措施。 ABSTRACT Based on accident data and analyses, it shows that the accident rate of on-ramp and off-ramp areas of freeway is 3 to 5 times more than the normal section, and many accidents happened on ramps and deceleration lanes and acceleration lanes. These indicate problems about traffice safety of on-ramp and off-ramp areas are very serious. This paper considers on-ramp and off-ramp areas as special sections of freeway, applying microsimulation software to simulate traffic flows, qualitative analyzing cars driving character, and use two new safety evaluation indicators called Deceleration Risk and Unsafety Density, which take into account not only possibility but also gravity of accident. Using these new indicators, affection of rode and traffic conditions can be roundly analyzed and evaluation. Besides all of above, this paper also establishes propositional standard of on-ramp and off-ramp areas traffic control which depend on different safety levels. The author alse advances some improving measure, and validates the validity of improving measures. Research of this paper is based on traffic simulation, which is different from the traditional after-accident safety evaluation method. Analyzing and evaluating from a micro point, this paper does some work on how to improve the traffic safety and efficiency of on-ramp and off-ramp areas. |