摘要 随着我国公路建设的发展,公路隧道里程逐年增长。隧道是道路的咽喉,对交通有控制作用。然而国内外却没有关于隧道路面结构与材料的规范和指南。通过对西部五省公路隧道的现场调研,本文提出并研究了OGFC在隧道路面中的应用前景。 通过调研隧道路面特殊的工作环境以及隧道路面的损坏特点,总结出了隧道路面抗滑、降噪和防火的需求;提出了隧道OGFC防滑磨耗层的设计目标和OGFC沥青混合料的技术指标;进行了OGFCl3室内配合比设计。 在隧道OGFC防滑磨耗层的表面性能的研究中,用加速磨耗试验对比研究OGFC和SMA的抗滑能力衰减特性;用驻波管试验对比研究OGFC/AK/SMA的吸声系数;设计了马氏试件燃烧试验,提出汽油逃逸量指标来研究OGFC/AK/SMA的排油防火效果;首次建立了隧道路面上汽油流淌渗透模型,模拟分析隧道内液体燃料泄漏在OGFC面层后的渗透排 油过程:提出了汽油流淌长度、汽油浸润面积、汽油渗透时间等参数来评价隧道OGFC面层的防火性能。 最后,在贵州锅圈岩隧道工地进行了OGFCl6现场配合比设计,铺筑了OGFCl6防滑磨耗层试验路。 关键词:隧道路面,OGFC,抗滑,降噪,防火,加速磨耗试验,配合比设计,隧道试验路。 ABSTRACT In China, more and more highway tunnels are being built in recent years.A tunnel is thethroat of a highway,which plays a very important role to fluent traffic.But researches on tunnel pavement material and structure ale sparely seen,with no relative technical rules or criterions found.Yet the service level of tunneI pavement has‘much influence on iraffiC safety and comfortability.Tunnel pavement works in a special working environment that is different from the common pavement’s.Base on the investigation of highway tunnels in western China,we brought and studied the application of OGFC in highway tunnel pavement. Firstly we investigated tunnels in western areas of China and summarized the characteristics of tunnel pavements.Through site investigating of 18 tunnels,we found three tunnel pavement related problems to be solved.They are"lack of skid resistance of tunnel pavement.too much noise and increasing possibility to occur tunnel fire. Secondly we introduced the good surface performance of OGFC-13 that carl solve main problems of tunnel pavement.Through laboratory accelerating tests,we tested the skid.Resistance of oGFC and SMA.Then we compared the noise—decreasing ability of OGFC.SMA and AC.Lastly we designed a laboratory-burning test and proved the fireproofing ability of OGFC. In the end,we designed OGFC-16 asphalt mixture at site and applied it in experimental tunnel pavement in GuiZhou province.. Key Words: unnel pavement,OGFC,skid·resistance,noise-decreasing,tunnel fireproofing,laboratory accelerating test,asphalt mixture design,experimental tunnel pavement. |