摘要 随着我国公路建设的发展以及汽车拥有量的增加,道路交通安全问题已日益成为我国一个严重的社会问题。为了更好地找出事故发生的真正原因,得到合理的安全改善措施,本论文研究了如何对道路交通事故的环境影响因素进行科学客观地再现。 论文首先对道路交通事故的再现类型及其方法进行了简单地阐述。随后根据己有的分析结果和对某些事故多发路段的数据收集和分析找出主要环境影响因素与道路交通安全的关系,确定了再现的主要内容和方式。论文基于模块化的设计思想对道路交通事故环境影响因素再现系统进行了总体结构设计,并对系统的视距再现、道路线形再现、道路横断面构造再现、交通安全设施再现、人文自然环境再现各模块进行了设计。论文还在己有的道路交通事故数据库的基础上根据环境影响因素再现的需要,进行了适当的数据扩充和细分,使数据库功能更加完善。 最后,论文以国道314线上某事故多发路段的安全改造为例,介绍了道路交通事故环境影响因素再现系统的应用。 关键词:道路交通安全,安全改善,事故再现,环境影响因素,道路交通事故数据库 ABSTRACT With the progress of highway constructions and the increment of the owning number of cars, road & traffic safety has increasingly been a serious social issue in our country. The paper makes a study on how to reproduct the environmentally influential factors of road & traffic accidents objectively, by which we can more easily find the essential reasons Of accidents and get the reasonable improvement measures. First, the paper offers a simple expatiation of the types of road & traffic accidents and their methods. Then based on current ready-made conclusions and data collection and analysis of some accident prone locations, the paper gets the relatlons between main environmentally influential factors and road & traffic safety, and confirm the primary contents and means of reproduction. The overall logic structure design of the system is gained through the modularization-designed idea. The designs of the sight distance reproduction module, road alignment reproduction module road cross section configuration reproduction module roadside safety features reproduction module human and natural envlronment reproduction module are also offered. Meanwhile based on the current road & traffic accident database, this paper also makes the function of database more powerful by making some appropnate data amplification and subdivision. In the end, through the instance of safety reformation on the National Highway 314, paper introduces the application of the environmentally influential factors reproduction system of road & traffic accidents. Key Words: Road & traffic safety, Safety improvement, Accident reproduction, Environmentally influential factor Road & traffic accident database.