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Study  on Key Technologies of Accident Prediction

and  Prevention for Two-lane Highways





针对我国双车道公路交通安全现状公路安全保障工程实施工作中的需求,论文依托西部交通建设科技项目《公路交通安全手册研究》(合同号 2004 318 223 3301)和《西部地区公路安全性评价》(合同号 2003 318 223 23),进行了双车道公路事故预测及防治关键技术的研究。










To  aim at the current status of two-lane highway traffic safety in China as well  as the demands for implementing “Highway Safety Enhancement Projects”, this  dissertation relies on the science and technology projects titled with  “Research on Highway Safety Manual” (contract number: 2004 318 223 33-01) and  “Safety Assessment for Highways in Western China” (contract number: 2003 318  223 23)  and is devoted to the study on key technologies of accident  prediction and prevention for two-lane highways.

Firstly,  taking into account the characteristics of infrastructure and traffic safety,  the two-lane highways are divided into ordinary sections, village sections  and intersections in mountainous area and flat area. The basic accident  prediction models are developed with the application of mathematical  statistics. The method for calibrating the coefficients is provided when the  accident prediction models are applying in the areas which are unrelated to  the collected data for developing models. The EB process is adopted with the  combination of historical accident data so that the predicted value is more  close to the actual one. The accident modification factors (AMF) for some  factors such as access density, subgrade width and percentage of trucks,  roadside hazardous ratings for two-lane highways in flat and mountainous  areas are established.

Then  the dissertation proposed that the different kinds of highways in a network  are disposed as same criterion and also provided the methods and standards  for identifying accident-prone sections based on accident predicton and  history data.

The  dissertation provided the safety diagnose procedure to analysis the  characteristics and causes of the accidents and recommended the  countermeasures to precent the accidents. Base on the accident pridection  models and the research results, the effect of the countermeasures can be  evaluated.

Furthermore,  the 0-1 integer programming model for selecting improvement sites and  improvement measures is developed, and branch and bound method based on  linear programming is adopted for solving the ranking and selection of safety  improvement sites and improvement measures with the objective to maximize the  safety benefits of highway networks subjected to the limited budget.

Lastly,  the research findings about accident analysis and safety countermeasures are  put into practice supported by the regional highway networks in Dezhou of Shandong  Province. Moreover, the further research work on this topic is briefly  discussed.


Key Words:  Two-Lane Highways, Traffic Accidents Prediction, Accident Modification  Factors, Highway Networks, Accident Prevention, Highway Safety Enhancement  Projects


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联