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Resarching  on permanent deformation behavior of unbound granular materials and design  method of flexible pavement














Rut is a unique damage phenomenon  of asphalt pavement. According to statisticsmore than 30ofthe  asphalt pavement damages is related to rut,and in recent yearsit is an  increasing trendmore thanrut has  great impact on the performance of asphalt paVementDomeStic  and foreign road workers have been puzzled by the rut for so many yearsRutting is  the loadinduced permanent  deformation of a flexible pavement. Depending on the magnitude of the load  and the relative strength of the paVement layerspermanent  deformation Can occur in the subgradethe baseor theupper  hot mix asphalt(HMA)layers

Because nowadays asphalt  pavement with semi-rigid base course is the primary Stnlcnlre type in  0111"country,a great deal of rutting research is focused on asphalt  layer but seldom on unbound granular layerAs granular  bade draws much attention for its good drainageeliminating  reflect crack and economical property,granularbase asphalt pavement will be  one of the important structures of the development of pavement Structure  diversification in the futureThis paper  mainly studies the pennaIlent deformation performance of unbound granular  materials and asphalt pavement structure design method and indexesIt will  provide technique for extension ofgranular base asphalt pavement

FirstlyThrough  choosing granular base as three type pavement structure(base layer of  flexible pavementstress dissipation layer of  invert pavement structure-base layer of semirigid  pavement)mechanics response is carried using elastic layer theoryas granular  base is the base layer of flexible pavement,some main faCtorswhich influence  the stress fieldof granular base such as loadthe  strength of subgradesoilthe  nonlinear stress dissipation performance of granular layerthe  thickness and modulus of asphalt surfacethe  thickness and modulus of granular base ale analyzed especiallyThe paper  summarizes the three-dimensional stress ranges from the pavement mechanics  analysis results and it provides bases for tlle loading criterions of repeated  load triaxial test in laboratory

Secondly,the main factors  influencing granular permanent deformation performance ale analyzedConsidering  granular layer stress mechanics analysis result, repeated load tests ale  carried under different deviator stressconfining  pressure and moisture contentsincluding  four granular mixesBase on the nonlinear least  squares111methodthe granular permanent  deformation prediction model including times of repeated loadmodulus and  moisture content is brought forward from permanent defonnation curveSThe result  of the correlative analysis shows that the model is Iason2lble  and also has the credible precisionAnd a  layered summation method which predicts permanent deformation of granular  layer in flexible pavement is given

Thirdly, based on all of upon  working,the dissertation set up an asphalt pavement design method and design  index which control the permanent deformation of granular layer through  studying different design methods and index in country and overseasIn the same  timethe design flow chart and design  example also ale bringforwarded

Finallythe further  research direction iS briefly accounted for.


Key Words: asphalt pavementgranular basepermanent  deformationrepeated  load triaxial testnonlinear  least squares methodpermanent  deformation prediction modeldesign  methoddesign  index.


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联