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Analysis  of the pavement structure and study on disposal technology of subgrade for  widening of the old rosad












The road  grade call been advanced by widening of the old roadusing the  limited fundsSo it is more and more to  widening of the old roadalong with the developraent  of national economyThere are difference of  settlement and deformationand  rigidity between the new and old subgradebecause of  the difference between soil characterstructurestrength  and the time of concrefionfor  widening of the old road

It is one  of the most indirect and important reasons that will lead structure destroy  as longitudinal crazing of pavementOn the  basis of thesethe key technology of  synthetical disposal has two handsOn the one  handthe difference between the new and  old subgrade will be reduced by the effective disposal waysin the  process of design and constructionOn the  other hand in order to assure the  road structure doesnt been destroyed by the  difference.,through optimizing design  to improve the bearing-force status of pavement structurefor  hoHowing in the basis of layer It is  certain that there being difference of settlement and deformation between the  Hew and old subgradeso we can study the size  and distributing form of the differenceby using the  analysis theory and calculating methodIt is can  been analyzed by using the three-dimensional stress analysis method of  elastic semispace foundationfor the  pavement structure of hoflowing in the basis of layerWe can not  only consider the non-absolute continuous contact status between the upper  and under structure layersbut also  consider the non-absolute slick contact statusSo we can  successfully analyze the reinforce action of geofabricby using  the model of elastic film cell

When  the depth of the subbase hollowing exceed 2.0cm,the bearingforce  status of road structure has little variesso the  limited depth is 2.0cmBut it does been  extraordinary notability effected by the scope vary of hollowingthe scope  of hollowing is bigger,the bearingforce status  of road structure is worseThe result  of there-dimensional fmite element method analysis indicatesthe tension  stress of subbase basis and the distortion of road surface are the most  important analysis indexthe tension stress of  subbase basis caIl been used as control index in the analysis of  responsibility of road structure for widening of the old roadso the  limited scope is 20nL Through the sensitivity  analysis of the responsibility of road slructureby the  varies of structure layers  parameter,we can found that the depth of subbase is the most important effect  factor

Because of the modulus of subgrade  being improved and the different deformation being reducedso the  breakage of pavement can been postponedby the  reinforce action of geofabncOn the  basis of inner and field test resultthe best  disposal plan for widening of the old road has been put forwardit is the  synthetical disposal ways of rolling out geofabric in the embankmentwhich is  filled by two kind ashesfly ashetc light  materialNot only it is credibility  and availability on technology,but also it has favourable benefits of economy  and society.


Key Words: Widening of the  old roadSynthetical  disposalDifference  of settlement and deformationDifference  of rigidityThere-dimensional  fmite element methodPavement  slructure analysisPattern  of hollowingReinforce  action by geofabficLight  material embankment


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联