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Research  of complex working state and mechenic responses of asphalt pavement under  heavy-duty conditions
















In the past decadesgreat  change of vehicle characteristic on the road has taken place with the economy  development in our countryAnd  heavy-duty conditions have become the widespread phenomenon on the major  highwayAll this change resulted in  such problems as irregular property degradation and earlier damage of asphalt  pavementBut existing calculation  models and methods for structure mechanics of pavement could not describe and  explain the mechanism of main defect type in the asphalt pavement under  heavy-duty conditions appropriatelyLack of  cognisance to these problems constricted more indepth  research in this fieldSoresearch on  the theory model and numerieal method of the working force behaviour and  mechanical responses of asphalt pavement structure becomes the urgent affairs

Firstlybased on  the work of sorting relevant reference and investigation in the fieldthe basic  state of vehicles on the road in our country was concludedand the  meaning and characteristics of heavydutywere  analysedthen representative vehicle  type Was proposed in this thesisMain defect  type was concluded after investigating the road condition of the typical road  sections under heavy-dutyconditions

Secondlythe system  of vehiclepavement Was simplified in  the view of mechanical functionThe technical  line for researching the mechanical effects on the asphalt pavement structure  under heavy-duty conditions Was proposedwhich usedthe model  of vibrating vehicle load’,‘the model  of tyrepavement contact stress’,andthe model  of mechanical response of pavement structure’.Some  studies were done on these models as follows

The vibrating vehicle  models of twoand threedegree of  freedom were constructed for the representative vehicle axle type based on  the reasonable simplified of some factorssuch as  pavementroughness

The model of  three-direction contact stress between tyre and pavement under different  vehicle 10ads was developed based on the existing relevant theory

Based on  the theory of elastic dynamicsand  considering the dynamicmovingand  non-uniformly distributed three-dimension working forcesthe common  mechanical response model and numerical method of multiplayer elastic systems  were proposed using the techniques of coordinate transform and multidimension  Fourier transform

Thirdly, based on the three  subsystem models mentioned abovethe  mechanics working state and responses of asphalt pavement under different  vehicle load conditions were calculated accurately, then the mechanical  effects on asphalt pavement under heavy-duty conditions were analyzedAnd the  sensitivity analysis of the parameters related to vehicle system and to  pavement structure Was implementedBase on the  calculated results and analysed conclusionsthe  mechanism of main defects in asphalt pavement under heavyduty  conditions Was explainedand some advice Was  proposed

Finally, the experimental studies  were implemented to validate the accuracy of the theory models and  reliability of partial calculated results.


Key Words: Heavy—duty conditions, Asphalt pavement, Vibrating vehicle  load,  Multilayer  elastic systems, Tyre·pavement  contact stress,  Dynamic moving non—uniformly distributed three-dimensional load, Multi—dimensional  Fourier transformMechanics response.


2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联