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Road  Traffic Safety Management System

Based  on GIS








针对模型库中的各种模型,论文在第三章、第四章按照目前我国道路安全管理的现行体制,分析了道路安全评价的指标体系,提出了适用于系统所辖区各个子区间(网级)道路安全水平分析的层次-模糊综合评价模型,引入了道路安全指数RSI(Road  Safety Index)及相应的计算方法:提出了适用于各个子区或子区内(项目级)的各条道路上的交通事故多发位置的鉴别模型-质量控制模型和鉴别指数-经验模型,引入了黑点指数BSI(Black  Safety Index)及相应的计算方法,并通过实例验证了这两种模型的可行性和可靠性。







GISBased Road traffic  safety management system(RTSMGIS)is an organic entirety that integrates GISroad informationtraffic accident information  and correlative transacting modelsMaking use of the visibility and geespatial analysis  function of GIS and the continuitysystematization of traffic accident information and  related datawith  the aid of correlative treatment modelthe system can make evaluation and prediction by  synthesis of road safety level of each small jurisdictional area and obtain  suggestions for improving the safety level of relevant regional road networkson the other handthe system can aid to  decide methods&measures to improving traffic safety from the road  engineering aspect by the way of identification of black spot on a road orin  a small area

The paper explains the  necessity and urgency to build the RTSMGIS from road safety conditions at  present in our countryAccording to the general procedure of building information systemthe detailed analysis is  made on the function and composition of RTSMGISAfter that, each main part of  RTSMGIS and the method to construct them are definedThe papers key point is on  database, correlative models and decisionmaking result of RTSMGISThe routine statistic analysis  of traffic accident information in RTSMGIS is not stated in this paper

In the chapter 2, this  paper analyzes the structure of the databases in the RTSMGIS according to its  characterEspecially,  the structure of attribute & spatial database is studied detailedly and  the designing rule & method is provided

In the chapter 3 and  chapter 4, this paper analyzes the road safety evaluation index system according  to the present road safety management system in our countryThe further research is carried  out on the level-fuzzy synthetic evaluation model which fits road safety  level evaluation of each small jurisdictional area in regional road  networks(network level)and this paper introduces Road Safety Index as road  safety evaluation index and the corresponding calculating method of RSI is  provided. Meanwhile, quality control model and identify-index-experiential  model, which fits to identify black spot on each roads of the sub-sections(project  level)within small jurisdictional areaare studied and the Black Safety Index & correlative  calculating method is introduced. Through the practical example, the  feasibility & reliability of models is proved in the last of these chapters.

In the chapter 5for the aim to set down  the road safety improving project in the future in egional road networksthis paper provides the  pre-evaluation model which fits region road safety level estimationthe model adopts  regression modeltime sequence model and grey system model, etc to predict the various  index according their character and based on these prediction results basethe model applies level-fuzzy  model to calculate the RSI for the synthetic road safety evaluation

In the chapter 6the economic loss in  various aspects of society brought by the traffic accident & its  calculating method are detailedly analyzed from point of society loss viewFurthermorethis paper provides the  method how to calculate the average economic loss in the every traffic  accident, every dead and injured man. The benefit calculating method from  road safety improvement based on these studies is provided

In the chapter 7this paper discusses the  countermeasures for road safety improvement from point of network level  system and project level system view according to synthetic road safety evaluation  and black spot identificationIn order to increase the economic & social benefit of countermeasures,  modificatory RSI is treated as the sort index in network level roads  safetyimprovement priority analysis, and modificatory accumulative BSI is  treated as the sort index in project level roads safety improvement priority  analysis


Key wordsRoad Traffic SafetyGISManagement Information  SystemRoad Safety EvaluationBlack SpotPriority CompositorRoad Safety ImprovementRoad Safety Level  PredeterminationAccident Loss Analysis



2010郭忠印教授课题组 版权所有  技术支持:维程互联