Area Editor: Dr. Zhongyin Guo Tongji University China
Abstracting & Indexing
Abstracted and/or indexed in: Transportation Research Information Service (TRIS) & Scopus.
Instructions for Authors
Aims & Scope
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security provides a discussion forum for the exchange of academic ideas, data, and integrated transportation safety solutions developed through engineering research in multimodal transportation safety arenas, which encompass the highway, transit, ridesharing, pedestrian, and bicycle modes, as well as rail, water, and aviation safety issues.
Topics covered include comprehensive transportation safety aspects of
Infrastructure design
Driver behavior and human factors
Traffic control and traffic operations
Crash data collection and analyses
Safety information and communication systems
Advanced and emerging vehicle and network technologies
Safety policy and planning
Security issues of transportation systems and networks
Emergency and incident planning and response
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security's mission is to disseminate advanced research results and engineering experience to educators, researchers, practitioners and policy makers to enhance transportation safety with comprehensive and integrated solutions.
郭忠印教授为该杂志Highway Safety, Crash Analysis, and Infrastructure Damage的Area Editor,欢迎大家投稿。